lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Smoky Brown by ELF Cosmetics

Hello lovelies! We'll inaugurate this blog by quite an unusual colour for me to wear (you'll soon see that I'm more of a colourful person, especially when it comes to painting my nails), but for some reason I felt like going more natural and serious this week (life's not a joke!) and chose this taupe from ELF, which I absolutely adore. It's a very strange mixture of grey and brown that I guess complements light and medium skin tones. The only catch I'd point out is you'd probably need a good 3 coats if you want ELF nail lacquers to last a decent amount of days without chipping. Then again, for around 1 euro, 1 dollar or 1 pound, we can't really expect marvels, can we? On the bright side, it does dry pretty quicly! One can't have it all...

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